Scare Devices

What is it?

Tools designed to deter wolves away from livestock are called “scare devices” and are equipped with lights, sounds, or both. Commercially available products that have been tested for wolves include Foxlights, Critter Gitter alarms, and radio-activated guard boxes (RAG boxes). Noise devices such as propane cannons and cracker shells have also been used with mixed results.

Why does it work?

Scare devices, and other deterrents, work because wolves are instinctively “neophobic”— meaning that they are naturally fearful of anything new or unfamiliar, such as abruptly loud sounds and bright lights. For example, Foxlights emit a variety of light patterns, and they are easy to use and weather-proof. Critter Gitters are close-range motion-activated and emit a loud, high-pitched alarm. RAG boxes typically include both lights and sounds and are activated by the presence of a radio collared wolf. All of these devices are typically secured to a post for easy installation. However, with enough time and experience, wolves will become familiar with scare devices, rendering them useless; this is why they are meant to be used temporarily and must be taken down after a set period.

When is it effective?

In general, strobe lights and alarms have short-term effectiveness, but are relatively cheap and easy to deploy with minimal labor. Like other deterrents, Foxlights and similar devices work best as a temporary measure or when used in addition to other methods on a strategic section of an operation, such as a calving pasture or a smaller pasture. Scare devices are also most effective when used proactively to prevent depredations, instead of using them only after depredations have already happened, but this is dependent on a multitude of factors.

How to implement it?

Foxlights and Critter Gitters may be provided through several agencies and nonprofit organizations, including Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Defenders of Wildlife. Scare devices should be deployed in coordination with a practitioner to determine if, when, and where they may be applicable for your situation to reduce the risk of wolves becoming habituated to them in the area.




Livestock Protection Animals