What you need to know about protecting livestock in Colorado’s wolf country

Helping humans, livestock, and wolves succeed on shared landscapes

Livestock production on Colorado’s west slope contributes millions in economic revenue to local communities, provides thousands of jobs, fosters stewardship ethics, and keeps our landscapes open for critical wildlife habitat.

Wolf Ready Colorado is an information hub to support people, livestock, and wolves sharing space on Colorado’s working lands. This website is a collaborative effort among dozens of ranchers, non-profit representatives, government officials, researchers, and wildlife biologists. Our goal is to support livestock producers in Colorado by consolidating resources and information on minimizing wolf-livestock conflict in one convenient, accessible location.

This website is updated quarterly with relevant resources on minimizing wolf-livestock conflict, and does not house day-by-day developments regarding wolves in Colorado. Please see Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s website for the latest updates about wolves.

Let’s Get Started


Explore resources and essential context about wolves and management in Colorado.

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